Published 27th March 2023

The Many Voices on The Voice | Q&A

The Many Voices on The Voice | Q&A

Australian Broadcasting Corporation | March 27, 2023

This week on Q+A…Indigenous leaders joined an emotional Anthony Albanese to reveal the wording of the Voice referendum question which will be put to the nation. The Prime Minister has appealed to Australians to support the vote, asking: “If not now, when?”

The agreed wording of the question follows intense negotiations and reads: “A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration.”

The announcement comes ahead of South Australia’s special sitting of Parliament on Sunday to pass its own First Nations Voice Bill – the first such legislation in the country. The PM is seeking to head off dissent by clearly setting out that the Voice will have no power of veto – but will that be enough to satisfy those opposed to it? And what does the question mean for First Nations sovereignty?

Meanwhile, as the fanfare of the announcement subsides, the reality of Australia’s submarine deal is sinking in. Critics from within Labor’s ranks are voicing their concerns about the deal that some say could end up costing far more than the projected $368 billion. Just what price are we paying for security?

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskus is celebrating a year in office – he’s the only opposition leader who’s managed to unseat a Premier during the pandemic. Will NSW follow suit and have a new leader after the weekend’s state election?

Published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

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